A Couple of Policy Updates
A note on disciplinary action has been added to the Nodaire vr'Kla'elhvha Dathen (Guidelines for Honorable Behavior) page here in this web-embassy. The information in this note is not new (it has been my own policy since the beginning of the fleets), but it has not been published previously. It would behoove personnel of our fleets to read and heed this note, as well as the entirety of the Nodaire v'Kla'elhvha Dathen, in order to avoid any misunderstandings.
TeamSpeak Polices have been posted at our Fleet Forum site. As is the case with most of the sub-fora there, you must be registered at, and logged into, the Fleet Forum site in order to see this post. If you have not registered yet, please do so using your ((in-game)) name.